Some Main Ingredients To Inspire Your Goals
It’s that time of the year once again when some people reflect on the last 12 months of their life as well as look ahead in high aspirations for what their future beholds. Reaching your goals can help you to significantly improve your life and bring your desired rewards. Goals are not useless if you stick to them like glue while making appropriate adjustments. Remember to enjoy life with a lifestyle of moderation, harmony, and balance.
Years ago, I did away with setting New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I resolve to start today with what I have and where I’m at until I can do better and achieve more. I strive for peace of mind and avoid being in malicious competition with others. That can be one of the surest ways to get distracted, frustrated, cause failure, and bad karma. Why do that?
This inspirational article will provide you with some ingredients for success that may help you reach your goals, not just for the New Year, but throughout life. Hopefully, this article helps you to avoid constant failure and put a foot knee-deep in its a*s (Lol). Tell failure out loud right now that it is NOT welcome to set up shop in your life and you will never give up on reaching your goals – Ever!!!
A University of Scranton study discovered that 8% of people achieve their set New Year goals, and according to U.S. News, 80% of people fail. If you fall into the latter category, why not determine this year to be different? Why not determine your entire life to be different?
It is one thing to set goals and another thing to reach and maintain them. When making the listicles of your goals, a determination may burn in your spirit, but somewhere along the line, you may see yourself stumble over the first steps of change and slowly revert to your unhealthy habits. Do you think there is a reason behind this repetitive behavior?
The good news is that you can be part of that small group that achieves its set goals. You just need to follow a carefully and well-strategized laid out plan judiciously if you want the year 2020 and afterward to include valuable and meaningful success stories for your life.
Here, are tips that can help you reach your goals throughout the new year and afterward:
Remain Focused
That’s right. Hocus, Pocus, Focus! Create and engage in your campaign for Operation Laser Focus. Cutting off all distractions and staying extremely focused on your goals is the first key to achieving them. Master the art of mental focus and concentration. To focus on one thing, you must by default ignore the rest. This simply means you should consider focusing only on one primary goal and two secondary goals, which makes it a maximum of three goals each year. This way, your goals become a reality. If you can handle more, go for it, but do not overwhelm yourself. The most important goal should always come first on your priority list and in your schedule. It might seem difficult at first, but consistent good practice can help you to adapt your goals as habits.
Now, here is how to remain focused on your goals:
• Avoid procrastination, distractions, and time-wasters. When rude folks attempt to waste your time, respectfully assert yourself, learn the art of multi-tasking, use light humor, and avoid allowing them to emotionally provoke, hijack, and sabotage you.
• Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who remind you that you can reach your goals and that you're not alone in this.
• Be specific on what you aim to achieve with your set goals.
• Set aside a reasonable amount of time to get things done.
• Utilize a To-Do list and your cell phone calendar to keep track of the things you need to get done. You can also download a free Google Play Store task app if your phone supports it. Strive to achieve a certain percentage of tasks on your daily, weekly, or monthly To-Do list.
• Concentrate on how far you have come and not how far you have to go.
• Ignite your passion. Visualizing may help some people reach their desired end results. I created a Vision board with positive pictures and words about five years ago to help me stay focused on meeting my goals. While it helped, hardly anything compares to me leaning on my Higher and inner power to get things done.
• Reflect on past self-limiting and negative behaviors that caused you to fail or get off track and learn from them to move forward without those obstacles. Be honest with yourself. Own any self-limiting faults to yourself. No one else can judge what admit to yourself.
• Research and practice mental concentration and focus exercises online. Visit Success Consciousness or Style Craze for some focus and concentration exercises.
You can have all the plans, determination, and focus in the world, but without the knowledge or learning the infrastructure of what you desire to do and effectively applying it, you may not get as far as you would like to go. Sure, if you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth or received a large monetary inheritance, you can hire people to help you reach your goals faster by bypassing the learning curve, but you can still get taken for a ride and taken advantage of by them if you don’t have a basic foundation of knowledge or desire to learn.
Some ways to acquire knowledge:
• Read. Read. Read. If you do not like to read, use the audio or video lessons that can help you learn what you need to know and grow your knowledge base.
• Hang around and learn from people who know more than you and are willing to share helpful information.
• Express your interest in having a knowledgeable mentor in your area(s) of interest. Research local mentors in your area or ask friends and associates if they know someone who is willing to be your mentor.
• Hire experts or inexpensive freelancers to teach you or share information.
• Take up a trade, enroll in college, or a training program. Some U.S. cities offer free training classes.
• Do your own independent research online, at libraries, through verifiable agencies, etc.
• Watch free YouTube tutorials and self-taught eCourses to expand your knowledge base. Be open to verify any information you receive.
• Stay up to date with knowledge about new or changing social and financial trends, technology advances, and relevant news and research in areas that interest you.
• Learn from the errors and failures of others so they don’t become yours.
• Never stop learning. We never get too old to learn something new and no one knows everything.
Spark Your Solution Revolution
No matter how purpose-driven you are, single-handedly achieving your goals is one thing you should avoid. You should create and consider many options and alternatives. Go on a figurative rampage to seek solutions. Leave no solution-focused stone unturned. People can support you, but always remember that you're primarily in charge of your actions and inquiring about and seeking solutions. Your goals might seem difficult to achieve at first, but just take a deep breath and never stop creating or seeking solutions to achieve your goals.
You can find solutions to reaching your set goals through different means depending on the path you choose, but the key solutions are:
• Start with small steps
• Plan ahead, don't wait for the last minute.
• Avoid repeating failures of the past.
• Write down a list of your top three personal or business issues.
• Write down a list of your proposed solutions to achieving your set goals.
• Look for techniques, strategies, and solutions from trailblazers and more experienced people who have been there before you.
• Experiment and strategically figure out all the possible outcomes for various scenarios and challenges you are facing.
• Commit to self-accountability while seeking solutions. This is huge. If you refuse to see how you contribute to your failures by not evolving pass what you may already know, then you’re doomed to repeat errors and failures and blame others for them. And, I am not referring to circumstances beyond your control.
• Check out this audiobook called Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life by Gary John Bishop (Affiliate Advertising)
Measure Your Progress
It's not enough to ditch old habits and pick up new ones when working on your goals, you must make out time to CONSISTENTLY and HONESTLY evaluate your behaviors to ensure you're following the right path. This can help you stick to your goals. The best way is to set goals that are measurable after a short period. Feel proud of how far you have come with this goal often, it will encourage you not to give up.
How can you measure your progress?
• Take note of the distance to your goal. Research the typical amount of time that it takes to reach your goal and how effective you were at successfully reaching a goal or where you could use improvement.
• Make use of a calendar and review how effective you were at reaching your goals.
• Do a personal review at least monthly and honestly rate yourself.
• Get objective constructive feedback from others who are familiar with your journey and are willing to offer areas for improvement.
• Set milestones for accomplishing your goals. Reward yourself for progress and do positive self-talk and reinforcement if you fall short. Never beat yourself up. Take some time to figure out where you went wrong and how you can correct past errors. No one is perfect and even the best of us may not know if we’re coming or going on some days (Lol).
• Take notes and pictures, keep a journal, and record a video to show the beginning, midpoint, and end results of your progress.
Review Your Outcomes
Before you do this, you need to have given yourself a "finish line." This is naturally given by nature, it could be a day, week, month or year. But, in this case, you've set goals which you should attain by the end of the day, week, month, or year. It is advisable that you set out the first six months to be your finish line. At the end of this first half, you can look back at your performance and what you have been able to achieve within this time frame. If your results are good enough, then go ahead with this goal.
Here is how you can achieve positive results.
• Take inventory of what solutions and methods are working. Adjust or tweak methods that are not productive and helpful. Let go of or reduce the effects of whatever is not working for you.
• Learn to turn failures into lessons.
• Be happy for what you have achieved, no matter how small.
• Be true to yourself and your goals.
• Make use of positive phrases or affirmations.
• Live in and enjoy the moment. Some people may be depressed due to something that is still bothering them from their past and anxious from worrying about their future. You must be in the present to make the future brighter.
Maintain Results
Knowing that you're achieving results after your review will give you more morale, competence, and confidence. To boost this, motivate yourself with very enticing rewards, like each time you remember that reward you will be forced to continue working hard for your goals to be fully actualized. Don't let anything put you down, maintain your achieved results and keep getting better at them.
These tips can help you maintain your outcome:
• Positively build your self-esteem. Never confuse being rude or disrespectful with having high self-esteem. In fact, I equate rude and disrespectful folks with having low self-esteem and overcompensating for having a lack of self-esteem or other personal issues.
• Get things done at the appropriate times. If you are sleep-deprived, your work may suffer. If you don’t have uninterrupted time, you may be distracted.
• Challenge yourself each day to something new about your goal.
• Monitor and be attentive to changes in your mood, environment, and behaviors of others in relation to your well-being. If you feel like people, places, and things have you on a crazy roller coaster ride, then get off and find solace, stability, and support elsewhere.
• Don't take the criticisms and limitations of others to heart.
• Be cheerful, nice, and happy. On any given day, some folks may test you and try to take you to a sunken place and discourage your progress. Rise above this and soar. You are in control of your thoughts, feelings, and intentions and should know the direction you want or do not want to go
Don’t worry about any friends or family members who cannot see or relate to your vision. Your desire to better yourself may unintentionally intimidate or spark jealousy and envy in others; especially if they feel like you may surpass them in life. Some folks have a competitive spirit and may go so far as to sabotage you to make themselves feel better or prevent you from reaching your goals. You can help them by giving them some information to help them or by leading by example and becoming a role model for them. However, you may want to consider not involving them in your project(s) at all as they may stifle your progress. Surround yourself with those who genuinely support you and if you don’t have support, then don’t be afraid to be a one-man or woman force-to-be-reckoned with. You can do it! Any saboteurs may slow you down, but may not be able to stop your focus, determination, self-discipline, knowledge, progress, growth, and belief in yourself (and your Higher Power). Here are some free resources available to help you and them:
• Cell Block Legendz News & Resources page for links to help restore your rights after criminal convictions, some drug and alcohol agencies, and more. Our Cell Block Legendz blog with incarceration-related articles and Inspiration category with tips for everyday living.
• MentalHealth.Gov aims to educate, guide, and provide one-stop access to U.S. government mental health and mental health problems information.
• National Association for Self-Esteem to fully integrate self-esteem into the fabric of American society so that every individual, no matter what their age or background, experiences personal worth and happiness.
• The U.S. Small Business Administration can help you start, grow, expand, or recover your business.
• Your State’s Small Business Development Center to help with reaching your business goals.
• Score to help with business plans & startup assistance resources.
• ShopKeep Small Business 101 blog that is entirely dedicated to planning and executing a new small business launch.
Glow And Grow
Despite what your goals may be, (personal) growth shouldn't be left out in them. You need absolute increase and development in all aspects to enable you to grow (and glow for the ladies) exceptionally starting from the inside.
You need personal growth to improve yourself, gain more insight, foresight, and hindsight, and discover yourself. To achieve your full potential in life, this is the foundation. Financial growth is yet another aspect of growth you need to save money, invest, and be economically productive. It doesn't matter whether you make $25,000 per year or $250,000. It's all about your ability to save money at a good rate or pace and the percentage that you can save to invest in building wealth or financial comfortability.
Physical health is essential and a pathway to achieving your fitness goals. Eat healthily, exercise more, drink enough water, and stay physically healthy.
Cognitive well-being is a vital aspect of your growth too. Take good care of your mental health. Do not be afraid to seek counseling or therapy. It may seem like the world we live in is getting crazier. Do not allow this to jeopardize your mental health.
What's the level of your relationship with people and any spiritual Higher Power? If it's poor, then work on them and ensure that none of them are being neglected because these are the key aspects of personal and spiritual growth you can use to reach your goals as well. In my experience, having unshakable faith has helped mountains to be moved and render opposition futile.
The bottom line is to set a primary goal, be realistic, be consistent, and remain focused. Now that you've gone through these tips, it's up to you to consider the best ways to reach your goals this new year and throughout life. You deserve happiness and everything good. Good luck!