5 Ways To Successfully Deal With People Who Get On Your Nerves
you recently been concerned with how to successfully deal with people who get
on your nerves? This can be frustrating and occasionally irritating because you
may not know how to handle such people. It can be difficult to notice this the
first time it happens. But repeatedly, this person or group of people can leave
you exhausted and disrupt your inner peace by being consistently annoying. The
big question is, how do you interact with people tactfully without feeling
bothered and letting them get under your skin? In this article, we will offer
solutions on how to deal with annoying people and calm your nerves.
first, you need to identify the things people do that get on someone’s nerves.
Here are some of them:
1. Noisy Eating Or Drinking: When people chew their food, smack
when they eat, or slurp their beverages loudly, half the time, they have no
idea how annoying it is to others. They may smack or loudly chew their food and
belch while on the phone or at the dinner table. Have you ever experienced a
noisy eater and wondered if they could not hear themselves? This is because
they probably do not or may not be aware of their noisy eating or drinking
because they are so into savoring what they’re eating or drinking. Loud or
noisy eating or drinking is an improper habit. They may not only get on
people’s nerves but can be considered bad table manners. The slurping from a
cup or going chomp-chomp on your meal can make you be considered an annoying
person who gets on someone’s nerves.
2. Lateness (Tardiness): It is acceptable when a person is
late for an event one time depending on the venue or occasion, but almost not
excusable when it happens repeatedly. Imagine that you have a business partner
who always comes a few minutes late to meetings. It can tilt the plans for the
day, with no regard for anything else you or others must do regarding your
time, but also the goals you have to achieve all the time. Being repeatedly
late or tardy is a sign of disrespect to and disregard for others that involves
a sense of entitlement. It can also be considered rude, and people will see you
as irresponsible. If you’re wondering how to tactfully interact with a
co-worker or friend who is always late or “fashionably late”, then keep
Ignoring Personal Hygiene: If there is one thing that
can get on a person’s nerves, it is when another person pays no attention to
their body’s cleanliness. Although
it is easy to avoid people with poor hygiene and bad odor, it can become
unavoidable when someone lives in the same space or works with you. Poor
personal hygiene can lead to diseases and health implications. It can lead to
tooth decay, body or head lice, and bad breath which can be unbearable and get
on people’s nerves. If your housemate has poor personal hygiene and has their
dirty items littered around the house, this can become a problem for you too. It
can get on people’s nerves if they are constantly subjected to foul body odor.
4. Intentional Nerve Wrecking: Have you ever dealt with someone who seemed to get a thrill out of annoying or irritating others with a smile or smirk on their face? Some folks can be passive-aggressive and live to get a kick out of rousing others, ruffling their feathers, and getting on their nerves. It can be at home or work.
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Some other things that can get on someone’s nerves include spitting on the sidewalk or in an open space, obnoxious gum chewing or snapping, talking loudly and ignoring the privacy of others, and correcting bad grammar even though some people draw the line at bad grammar. The reason for a thing getting on your nerves might be peculiar to you. Detaching your emotions or disassociating from what’s getting on your nerves can be challenging, but manageable.
Image Source: Pixabay
here are 5 tips on how to deal with annoying people who get on someone’s
Practice breathing exercises: One quick way to calm your
nerves is by focusing on your breathing. This way, you channel your energy to
your breathing, and it helps you not to react quickly. When we breathe deeply
and gently, it sends a direct message to our brain. Next time a cashier is extremely
slow, or a co-worker says or does something annoying, take a deep breath, hold it for four seconds, and release the breath. Take a slight break and go at it
again. It can help calm your nerves.
Pay attention to things you can
change: It can be difficult to change a person or a
situation. If you have a housemate who chews loudly or has poor personal
hygiene, have an honest conversation with them. Keep in mind that they may
decide to ignore your opinion or see no problem with themselves. In this
situation, pay attention to the things you can change. Ensure you properly
clean your side of the house or help with theirs. Use air fresheners and crack
your car or house windows. You can also decide to have your meals in a separate
space or move out altogether if a friendly conversation doesn’t help the
situation. This way, you don’t take regrettable actions when they annoy you
with their bad habits.
Speak up and set boundaries: Politely using your voice is
how you tactfully interact with others without feeling bothered. If you like to
be alone and someone is constantly getting on your nerves by disrupting your
alone time, be bold enough to let them know. Let them know that it isn't a
great time for you to either talk, hang out, or be in the same space with them
at that moment. Have you had one of those people who repeatedly talk to you
when you're trying to focus on something? It can be a bit difficult to speak to
them without one party getting offended. An example of a quick way to set
boundaries is by wearing headphones or earplugs. This shows them that you’re
engrossed in something, and they can come back later.
Express your feelings: Most people who get on your
nerves are probably ignorant of their behavior. It is important to have an
honest and tactful conversation with them. One key thing to know is that this
conversation should focus on you and how this individual makes you feel. This
way, they may see how their behavior affects you and decide to change. By
saying “I” instead of “you”, reduces the tension and adds a more considerate
tone to the conversation.
Be thoughtful: Your co-workers might always
come to your desk with their everyday problems because they believe you are a
good listener and might have no idea how they get on your nerves. It is key to realizing their emotions. Venting on you is a coping mechanism for them. It is
important to be thoughtful but remember to set boundaries because your mental
health is a priority. Let them know that you may be available during your
may be one person who gets under your skin. It is almost impossible to avoid annoying people completely, but you can try these tips to calm your nerves.
Learn to tactfully address individuals, detach, disassociate, and/or focus on
positive energy. Identify your triggers and try to avoid them. Find a way to
distract yourself and if you can, leave the space. It is also essential to know
that being calm or tactful when people annoy you does not make you a weak
person. It makes you someone who knows how to best handle situations regarding what
annoys you or gets on your nerves.
Image Source: Pixabay
are tips on how to tactfully interact with others without feeling bothered. It
is better to speak up than bottle emotions and make things worse for yourself. Exploding
or becoming enraged can risk you or someone else getting physically hurt. Try to
have an honest conversation. Remember, you can always seek the help and support
of others.
you had someone get on your nerves recently? How did you handle this?