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Parole Basics
is a term that refers to a prisoner's conditional release. The inmate (referred
to as a "parolee") is released from prison but must fulfill a set of
obligations. If a parolee does not obey the rules, he or she may be sent back
to prison.
most cases, parole — also known as "discretionary" parole — allows a
convict to leave prison early and serve a portion of the remaining sentence
under parole supervision.
parole-eligible offenders, institutional behavior, incarceration term, crime severity, criminal history,
mental illness, and victim input are among the most critical criteria affecting
their release.
offenses, such as those including the following, are frequently sentenced to
life without the possibility of parole.
involving firearms or other weapons
crimes, particularly those involving distribution or manufacturing
offenses, particularly those involving high-value items; and/or incidents
requiring several crimes
Parole Vs. Probation
criminal law, probation is a time of court-ordered supervision of an offender,
usually instead of jail. Probation solely refers to community penalties, such
as lenient sentences, in some jurisdictions.
end of a sentence and subsequent release are better explained by parole.
Probation is frequently granted in exchange for good behavior in prison or
jail. Nevertheless, the person's behavior and attitude while incarcerated could
affect the outcome of either conceivable event.
it's crucial to understand that judicial review can be used to challenge Parole
Board judgments. Although the Parole Board's rulings are not appealable, they
can be challenged through judicial review. A crime victim (or their family
members if the person is deceased) can also request judicial review of a
release decision.
let’s move to the core of the discussion.
10 Interesting Facts You Should Know
About Parole Decisions For Prisoners
1. Life sentences do not always
indicate life.
serving life sentences are eligible for release after a certain amount of time
unless they are condemned to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
The minimum time they have to appear before the parole board varies by state. In
some states, it's as little as 15 years, while in others, it's as much as 50
2. Most parole boards, on the
other hand, will not consider granting parole to lifers.
to research, violent offenders are the least likely to re-offend, but
parole-eligible lifers are nearly never released on their first hearing, and in
certain jurisdictions, they are never released at all. In a recent report,
Maryland Circuit Court Judge Philip Caroom noted that the reluctance to offer
parole to lifers "has destroyed the distinction" between life with
and life without parole. Also, there is no constitutional right to parole and
the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Graham v. Florida, No. 08-7412, slip. op. at 23, 560 U.S. __
(2010) that life without parole is
unconstitutional for non-homicide cases.
3. You can serve on a parole
board if you are a farmer, a car salesman, a corporate executive, or a personal
fitness trainer.
states do not need parole board members to have prior criminal justice
experience. Only a few states establish baseline professional and educational
criteria for parole board members, and those that do are usually phrased as a
recommendation, such as "board members should have a bachelor's
4. In parole hearings, inmates
have no legal rights.
have certain basic rights protected by the Constitution in all other elements
of the criminal justice system, such as the ability to face your accuser or
view the evidence against them. Parole, on the other hand, is an "act of
grace," not a right, according to the courts, therefore convicts are
5. Parole boards have the
authority to make decisions for nearly any reason.
boards are free to make decisions based on whatever criteria they wish.
Although some boards have decision criteria, there is no legal requirement for
board members to follow them. That is, the success rate of parole can be
influenced by the parole boards
6. Parole isn't the same as
"early release."
is sometimes referred to as "early release," yet the option of parole
is built into the sentence when it is handed down by the judge. Judges assign a
number of years, such as five to ten or two to seven. Inmates are eligible for
release after serving the required number of years.
7. Nobody has any idea how to
gain parole.
rarely specify what an inmate must do to be released. They are not obligated to
uphold their own promises if they do so.
8. Outside of prison, parole
boards can have a tremendous impact on your life.
boards make more than simply decisions about who gets sent home. They also
decide on the terms and conditions of people's parole, as well as the
repercussions of violating parole. In some places, parole boards can even pick
who and when to consider for parole.
9. Release boards may or may not
meet with the person seeking parole.
states allow boards to make decisions entirely based on the information in the
prisoner's file. Given that the typical state board makes 35 release decisions
per workday, there isn't much time for review.
10. Paroles are cost-effective.
also helps to minimize prison overpopulation by allowing prisoners who are
unlikely to harm others to live in the community under supervision. Parole assists
the government in attempting to reduce the enormous costs of maintaining huge
prison populations while still ensuring the safety of the general public.
it’s important to know that the parolee is largely supervised by the prison
authority through mandatory visits with a parole officer. Transitory services
suited to the needs of the parolee may be provided by state parole services
(typically a section of the department of prisons), such as shelter in a
halfway house or intense mental health therapy.
the purpose of parole is to allow a prisoner to reintegrate into society. The
parolee limitations are meant to encourage good behavior following incarceration. In fact, even before
they are released from prison, the prospect of parole can motivate them to stay
out of trouble.
For more information on parole and prisoners, click
the links, below: (Disclaimer: Affiliate Advertising. As an Amazon
Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.)
Without Parole: Living and Dying in Prison Today 5th Edition
By Victor Hassine